Law Centre-II is a premier institution and is known for its qualitative teaching, research and other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. It is one of the best institutions in the country which imparts three year LL.B. program. To promote student activities at the Centre, a number of committees have been constituted. These committees include Moot Court and Debate Committee, Seminars, Conferences and Extension Lectures, Journal Committee, Legal Aid Committee, Placement Committee and Alumni Committee. There is an active participation of students in these committees. The teacher members and students volunteers organize several activities on a regular basis throughout the year. The S.K. Puri Memorial Moot Court Competition of Law Centre-II “JUSTIFIED” is an annual activity in which teams from all parts of the country participate. The Seminars and Lectures Committee apart from organizing seminars, conferences and workshops, organizes lectures of legal scholars from all over India and abroad.
The Legal Aid Committee organizes legal aid camps and helps a substantial number of students to work as Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs). The Internship and Placement Committee is responsible for the internship of students and placement of final year students. The Law Centre-II has a glorious past of 47 years and has the privilege of having alumni from all walks of life. The alumni included Governor, Central Minister, State Minister, Senior Bureaucrats, Police Officers, Revenue Officers, Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Politicians, etc. We have also formed an Alumni Association, to provide all possible assistance to Centre including internships and placements to our students.
We look forward to strengthen this association and increase the involvement of the students, faculty, staff and the alumni to develop Law Centre-II as a Centre of Excellence. It would be my endeavor to take this centre to newer heights so that the students choosing Law Centre-II get an intellectually stimulated environment and are able to shape their legal career ahead. Wish you all the best for your tenure at Law Centre-II.
Prof. Dr. Anupam Jha